What does your skin look like after coolsculpting?

Saggy skin after non-invasive fat reduction treatments, such as CoolSculpting, is not uncommon and represents a very valid concern for many of our patients. That way, you can analyze the expected results and your doctor can recommend the best treatments for both skin and oil.

What does your skin look like after coolsculpting?

Saggy skin after non-invasive fat reduction treatments, such as CoolSculpting, is not uncommon and represents a very valid concern for many of our patients. That way, you can analyze the expected results and your doctor can recommend the best treatments for both skin and oil. Therefore, it is essential that your doctor perform a good skin quality exam before any fat reduction procedure. If you're looking for a little help controlling one or two problem spots and don't want to worry about leaving loose skin, this non-invasive body contouring treatment is the perfect solution.

In the weeks following the Coolsculpting treatment, the body's lymphatic system will gradually and naturally shed those fat cells. In addition to its ability to combat unwanted fat without causing sagging skin, this treatment offers a number of benefits. This is good for many reasons, but it means that it usually won't cause skin to tighten or improve its elasticity. The other reason why sagging skin is not a problem is that this treatment is designed to achieve a modest reduction.

from fat. But if saggy skin persists after weight loss and fat reduction, your confidence doesn't reach the height you expected. This way, your skin will contract as you lose fat and you'll complete the process looking slim and sleek. The time needed for both healing periods after treatment is similar, so the skin will tighten as fat cells are shed.

We often find that some non-invasive methods of fat reduction, such as CoolSculpting, can worsen sagging skin, since the fat that “pushes” the skin out has disappeared (something similar to what happens when deflated) a globe).

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.