What are the three main aesthetic views?

The three aesthetic theories of art criticism are commonly referred to as imitationalism, formalism, and emotionalism. Therefore, aesthetics must have a wider scope than the study of beauty or other aesthetic concepts if we want to discover the principles by which it must be defined.

What are the three main aesthetic views?

The three aesthetic theories of art criticism are commonly referred to as imitationalism, formalism, and emotionalism. Therefore, aesthetics must have a wider scope than the study of beauty or other aesthetic concepts if we want to discover the principles by which it must be defined. While the article focuses on Western aesthetic thought and its development, it examines some of the fundamental features of Marxist and Eastern aesthetics. Much of recent aesthetics has similarly focused on artistic problems, and it's arguably now orthodox to consider aesthetics exclusively through the study of art.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.