What are the major objectives of aesthetics?

It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which deals with the nature of art. Aesthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste.

What are the major objectives of aesthetics?

It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which deals with the nature of art. Aesthetics, the philosophical study of beauty and taste. It is closely related to the philosophy of art, which deals with the nature of art and with the concepts on the basis of which individual works of art are interpreted and evaluated. It is a cliché that any object that has an aesthetic value can only have the particular value that it has, except in the unlikely case that something other than it has precisely its particular aesthetic character.

But as Hume and Reid argued (see section 1), understanding the nature of an object before judging it aesthetically is one thing; aesthetically judging the object once grasped is another. Aesthetic hedonism, which places this reason in the pleasure one feels when experiencing objects of aesthetic value, does so in the clearest possible terms. While many approaches to aesthetics focus on works of art and artistic creations, you can find aesthetically significant objects, experiences, and practices around you. However, Carlson also wishes to establish that aesthetic judgments about natural objects have the same objectivity as aesthetic judgments about works of art, and it is controversial whether Walton's philosophical statement is broad enough to support such a claim. From this it follows that, according to Budd, “the aesthetic appreciation of nature is endowed with a freedom that denies the appreciation of art (Budd, 2003, 3), although perhaps this is simply another way of saying that the aesthetic appreciation of art is endowed with an objectivity denied to the appreciation of nature.

What is worrying is that hedonism, since it considers that aesthetic value is fundamental to the value of experience, implies that, for any object that has an aesthetic value, something totally different from it, such as a drug, can induce the same experience and, therefore, offer the same value. It is possible that selflessness appears in the definition of aesthetic attitude only to the extent that it, and by itself, focuses attention on the characteristics of the object that are important from the point of view aesthetic.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.