What are the four aesthetic theories?

Many theories of art have emerged to encompass the wide variety of ideas and opinions about what art is and what it should do. The search for an art theory that governs them all may be futile, but there are arguments everywhere and everyone has a favorite.

What are the four aesthetic theories?

Many theories of art have emerged to encompass the wide variety of ideas and opinions about what art is and what it should do. The search for an art theory that governs them all may be futile, but there are arguments everywhere and everyone has a favorite. Formalism dictates that art is good when it effectively uses the elements of art and the principles of design. A formalist will focus solely on the aspect of a work of art: color, line, shape and texture.

The story being told and any historical or social context behind the work of art have no influence on whether it is considered successful. Composition is all that matters. While artists have always used the elements and principles of art, formalism really emerged with modern art and the rise of abstract and expressionist works, as these pieces place special emphasis on the use of lines, shapes and colors to create a pleasing composition. An instrumentalist doesn't care about composition, only about the context.

From the point of view of instrumentalism, the best works of art are those that convey a message or shape the way we see the world. Unlike other theories of art, instrumentalism asserts that art is good when it functions as a tool to influence or change society. The theory of emotionalism emphasizes the expressive qualities of a work of art. Communication between the work of art and the spectator is crucial.

If art is capable of causing a feeling in the public, then the artist has created an excellent work. Emotionalism is unique among art theories because it is not concerned with how the observer is attracted. The different components of a work of art can captivate different viewers, but all that matters is that the artist has been able to evoke a mood or an idea, regardless of the composition, context or narrative. Functionalism: work of art that could be a useful tool or object.

Formalism: work of art that has all the artistic elements included in the piece. The textures, light, shadows, human proportions and perspectives are all very realistic, as if you could reach out and touch them. At its base, the term aesthetic refers to a phenomenal type of experience, and aesthetic definitions identify works of art with artifacts intended to produce aesthetic experiences. According to Beardsley's first dilemma, art has an intended aesthetic function, but not all works of art achieve produce aesthetic experiences.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.