Should you wear compression after coolsculpting?

As much as it seems counterintuitive, wearing Spanx clothing or other compression clothing also helps keep the pulling sensation at bay. You don't need compression garments with CoolSculpting in WinterPark.

Should you wear compression after coolsculpting?

As much as it seems counterintuitive, wearing Spanx clothing or other compression clothing also helps keep the pulling sensation at bay. You don't need compression garments with CoolSculpting in WinterPark. Wearing compression garments can help alleviate swelling and bruising, and also help skin shrink after treatment with CoolSculpting. Bandages and compression clothing can be used to alleviate levels of swelling and general discomfort after treatment with CoolSculpting.

They help keep everything “in place”, so to speak, and aid blood and lymph circulation to avoid any risk of blood clotting as the body adapts to its new dimensions and works to heal itself. Compression garments should not be worn for more than a few days after treatment. In addition, compression garments will not affect fat cells, and the swelling that occurs when sculpting in cold is only short-lived. Compression garments, such as stretch pants and yoga pants, may feel comfortable after treatment; however, they are not required to be worn after Coolsculpting treatment.

Because Coolsculpting is a non-invasive treatment, you don't need to wear compression garments after the procedure. This is an interesting proposition because some experts will say that a cold compress is better than a hot compress.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.