How many sizes do you lose with coolsculpting?

You shouldn't expect to lose more than half an inch if you're heading to a small area for treatment. If so, between two and three inches of fat can be removed.

How many sizes do you lose with coolsculpting?

You shouldn't expect to lose more than half an inch if you're heading to a small area for treatment. If so, between two and three inches of fat can be removed. With each treatment session, you can expect to lose 20 to 80% of the fat cells that currently exist in a given treatment region. If 50% of your breast fat cells are removed and then you go to a second treatment session and you lose 50% of the existing fat cells in your chest again, you will experience a total loss of 75% of your breast fat cells.


works to lose fat, but not weight.

Confused? Let's explain CoolSculpting weight loss versus fat loss. Fat loss and weight loss aren't always the same thing. The difference is what happens with fat cells. While you may lose a large percentage of fat cells in the treatment area, you shouldn't expect to lose too much weight. The ideal number of body sculpting treatment sessions you'll need will depend on the number of areas you want to treat, the volume of fat in each of those areas, and the size of the areas you want to treat.

Typically, patients who undergo a full round (three sessions) of CoolSculpting lose between one and three inches of unwanted fat. That's why, even if you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you may still have pockets of fat or bumps of fat in various areas of your body. In total, after two treatment sessions, you will lose approximately 43.75% of the fat cells in a fairly large treatment area. The number of treatment sessions needed for optimal results will depend on the size of the treatment area and the concentration of fat cells in it.

You shouldn't expect to lose more than half an inch if you're going to treat a small area. You might reduce a few inches in your circumference, but it's hard to estimate how that would translate into terms of clothing sizes. Like the number of treatment sessions you'll need, the length of each treatment session depends primarily on the number of areas you're treating, their size, and the amount of fat you're trying to reduce in each area. With applicators of different sizes, CoolSculpting can be performed all over the body in small areas, such as the double chin, armpit area and bra bump, and in large areas, such as the abdomen, inner and outer thigh, banana roll, back fat and upper arms. If you're trying to remove fat from your midback, flanks, hips, thighs, and armpits, you may be treated for almost two hours.

The only way to reduce clothing sizes is to lose weight, since the Coolsculpting method is used to shape and contour the body without wasting time.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.