Does coolsculpting really flatten your stomach?

My once familiar round belly looked more like a washing board and muscle cuts. CoolSculpting won't help you lose weight, but it will get rid of persistent fat pockets.

Does coolsculpting really flatten your stomach?

My once familiar round belly looked more like a washing board and muscle cuts.


won't help you lose weight, but it will get rid of persistent fat pockets. Each procedure destroys 10 to 25% of the fat in the treated area. CoolSculpting was designed to help reduce body fat by attacking visible fat bumps, including abdominal fat.

The specialized cooling device is placed in the abdomen and the process of freezing the fat begins. After the procedure is over, the fat cells will die and the body will eliminate them naturally through the kidney. A significant visible reduction can be seen in as little as 3 months, thanks to this clinically proven treatment. Traditionally, subcutaneous fat (the kind that CoolSculpting can freeze) has been considered less dangerous than visceral fat, but it seems that doctors' opinions are changing in this regard. CoolSculpting has proven to be very effective on all areas of the body approved by the FDA, but it's important to understand that not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure.

Before scheduling the procedure, check with your healthcare provider to make sure you're a good candidate for CoolSculpting and that you don't have any pre-existing skin conditions or sensitivities. The CoolSculpting technique can help eliminate visible abdominal fat, but it will not remove visceral fat that is further inside the abdomen. And finally, if the layer of fat that can be pinched is larger than three inches, CoolSculpting will not produce the desired results. The CoolSculpting treatment is in many ways considered an investment in personal health and body confidence.

Plus, a three-month family vacation (when you get the best results with CoolSculpting) made my abs much less like those of a washing board. But since there was no one else in the waiting room, I suddenly felt alone and nervous about my random decision to do CoolSculpting on my stomach. CoolSculpting might be a good option if you have a lump of fat that won't go away, even if you have made changes to your diet and exercise. According to the CoolSculpting website, the following are the possible side effects that may occur during or after the procedure.

They say they just want their pants to fit better, not even necessarily that they want to lose a lot of weight (which is good, because CoolSculpting isn't a weight-loss procedure). It's flexible and “pinchable” and is the only type of fat that the CoolSculpting procedure is effective at reducing. CoolSculpting is the brand name for a fat freezing method that aims to eliminate persistent fat in certain parts of the body.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.