Can you do coolsculpting with a big belly?

Freezing fat is on the Internet as an option for losing fat, but does freezing belly fat work? The short answer is yes. But why and what does the process of freezing fats involve? Keep reading to find out.

Can you do coolsculpting with a big belly?

Freezing fat is on the Internet as an option for losing fat, but does freezing belly fat work? The short answer is yes. But why and what does the process of freezing fats involve? Keep reading to find out.


is used to eliminate persistent accumulations of fat that diet and exercise cannot seem to eliminate. Fat cells are frozen using the CoolSculpting system.

Then, in the weeks and months after the procedure, your body breaks down and eliminates the destroyed fat cells, leaving you with fewer fat cells. This may make you wonder: Does freezing fat work for your abdomen? If you're looking to lose that last bit of persistent belly fat, then yes, that's the way it is. CoolSculpting was originally designed to reduce abdominal fat, so one of the most common areas of treatment is the abdomen. Scientific studies suggest that the accumulation of abdominal fat in the body is associated with an increased risk of certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases.

and diabetes. With that in mind, controlling belly fat is not only beneficial to your overall body confidence, but also to protect your health. CoolSculpting was designed to help reduce body fat by attacking visible fat bumps, including abdominal fat. The specialized cooling device is placed in the abdomen and the process of freezing the fat begins.

After the procedure is over, the fat cells will die and the body will eliminate them naturally through the kidney. A significant visible reduction can be seen in as little as 3 months, thanks to this clinically proven treatment. While both CoolSculpting and liposuction are fat reduction procedures, there are a lot of differences to consider. On the one hand, liposuction is a surgical procedure that has a long recovery time and is usually painful for the patient, something that patients don't have to worry about with CoolSculpting. Each CoolSculpting treatment produces a 20 to 25% reduction compared to the 70 to 80% reduction provided by liposuction.

The CoolSculpting treatment is in many ways considered an investment in personal health and body confidence. CoolSculpting is a great way to see results quickly and to motivate yourself to discover the secrets of your weight gain. Eliminating abdominal fat and other persistent subcutaneous fat with state-of-the-art CoolSculpting technology can be an excellent option for those looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. CoolSculpting also cannot treat a person who has experienced partial or total muscle separation in the abdomen, which is commonly known as rectum diastasis.

With CoolSculpting, you can be sure that only unwanted fat cells will respond to treatment. The main difference is that liposuction is an invasive procedure (meaning that liposuction is a surgical procedure and anesthesia may be required), while CoolSculpting is not. CoolSculpting cannot remove “hard fat”, also called visceral fat, that is found underneath the muscle, inside the abdominal cavity. While CoolSculpting can produce results similar to those of liposuction, in most cases many treatments would be needed to achieve the same results.

While an in-person consultation is the best way to make sure you're a good candidate, you can also do a virtual CoolSculpting photography consultation. How quickly you see results after your CoolSculpting session will vary depending on how quickly your body breaks down target fat cells. The most common side effects after a CoolSculpting session are mild bruising or tenderness, while risks associated with liposuction include numbness, infection, fat embolism and fluid accumulation. If you're ready to talk about your aesthetic goals and find out if CoolSculpting is right for you, schedule a consultation with the About Face & Body Medical Spa team in Katy, TX.

Doug Gonyou
Doug Gonyou

Devoted internet geek. Subtly charming web maven. Passionate travel enthusiast. Freelance creator. Friendly introvert.